I felt vulnerable and scared without my boss and protector there with me.
Also felt over-worked. Dragging all our heavy shit from the trailer to the stage by myself is no fucking picnic.
I think I sprained my gozinta.

Utter pandemonium all night--best crowd ever!
Chrissy got a break because the audience was doing most of the singing.

Had the band up and running again in 2 minutes, and they picked up the same song where they left off.
Fucking power-sucking neon beer signs can bite my shiny metal ass.

He also plays with Chrissy in the Undercovers.
A solid 4-stringer with nice tone who must have balls the size of church bells to learn all our songs and jump right in without a single rehearsal.
Buy this guy a drink next time you see him.
Saved our asses!

Even in the ladies room, judging by what I saw from the doorway.
Get well ASAP, Rikk.
I don't like doing this without you.
Chrissy's mean to me and Florin won't share.
Steve stole my cookie.